Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines :: Crewmembers unload water filters to give to Vincentians affected by volcanic eruptions.

World Water Day

Logos Hope :: Logos Hope celebrates World Water Day by reflecting on the impact that providing safe water can have on communities across the world.

Did you know that…*

  • 2.2 billion people don’t have access to safe water?
  • 3.6 billion people don’t have safe sanitation services?
  • a child dies every two minutes of water-related diseases?

Fresh water is one of our planet’s most precious resources, and it is limited. So, it is OUR responsibility to ensure water is conserved and equitably distributed.

Since 2011, Logos Hope crewmembers have installed water purifiers in schools, orphanages, churches and prisons through the Buckets of Hope programme. The filters that the ship provides can be brought to remote communities, require no electricity and are easy to install. The clean, safe water that these purifiers create reduces water-borne illnesses, improves school attendance, increases productivity * and can serve each community for up to ten years.

In April 2021, this is exactly how Logos Hope was able to serve the communities of St. Vincent. The island’s volcano La Soufrière erupted, burying homes under metres of ash, polluting the air and contaminating water supplies.

Logos Hope was on her way there so her crew could receive vaccines. Perfectly timed, the ship was able to use her onboard desalination filters to create fresh, drinkable water. Grace (Taiwan) said, “Hearing about the eruption and that St. Vincentians had no clean drinking water because of the ash contamination, we filled the ship’s tanks to the brim with filtered water.” Daniel (South Africa) said, “We had the amazing opportunity to donate [this] water to the beautiful country of St. Vincent.”

Crewmembers volunteered in shifts, day and night, to fill people’s water containers whenever they needed it. But above all, Logos Hope teams could share hope, compassion and encouragement along with the 180,000 litres of water that was distributed from the ship’s tanks.

Although St. Vincent is an extreme example of the need for equitable access to safe water, it is not in isolation. This is why Logos Hope has distributed and installed water purifiers across Asia, Africa, Latin America and beyond.

Logos Hope crew focus on responsibly stewarding precious water resources on board the ship too! They encourage each other to take short showers, turn taps off when washing hands or brushing teeth and reuse drinking cups, along with other water-saving methods.

Everyone can play a role in celebrating World Water Day. Our goal is to provide 200 water purifiers a year to communities in need. Each of these can filter 600 litres of water per day. Will YOU partner with Logos Hope to make safe water more accessible around the world? Donate here

Source: *